Your Song Names:

Mistakes On A Plate

Reckless Dog

Stone Histerics

Potent Sympathy

The Eroticism

Hopes Unleashed

Taming The Schemes

Speed Storm

Chasing The Highway

Limited Demands

Customise Your Song Name:

Enter a single word to use in the name and choose from the parameters below:

This word is:

Abstract Noun

(Something you CANNOT physically touch
Eg: Love, Music, Sound)

Concrete Noun

(Something you CAN physically touch
Eg: Car, Dog, Firecracker)


(Something you can DO, ending in 'ing'
Eg: Surfing, Skipping, Rocking)


(Ending with an 's'
Eg: Cars, Songs, Words)


(Describes a noun
Eg: Red, Amplified, Big, Loud)